Mechanical Engineering Frostburg Collaborative Program


Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering     

In collaboration with the University of Maryland College Park     

Earn a UMCP Mechanical Engineering degree from the FSU Campus

Spend four years taking in all that Frostburg State has to offer, 并获得马里兰大学帕克分校(UMCP)的机械工程学位. 这个马里兰大学系统的两所学校之间的合作项目为弗罗斯特堡的澳门十大赌城官方网站带来了丰富的机会,通过学院公园的互动视频直接提供高质量的高级工程课程.

Enjoy Frostburg State University’s state-of-the-art lab facilities, small class sizes, 在马里兰大学帕克分校获得学位的同时,这里也充满了友好的氛围, whose mechanical engineering program is ranked 16th in the nation by U.S. News and World Report (2017 Survey). 机械工程弗罗斯特堡合作项目由ABET工程认证委员会认证,, 机械和类似名称的工程专业的一般标准和专业标准.

How It Works

First Half of the Program

在大一和大二期间,你将被注册为FSU的工程预科专业. 您将完成由FSU教师现场授课的通识教育和工程科学课程. FSU tuition rates apply during this time.

Second Half of the Program

在完成指定课程的45学分后,必须申请UMCP的入学 Clark School of Engineering. After meeting UMCP’s admissions standards, you will be accepted into the second half of the program as an engineering major. UMCP’s tuition rates apply for this part of the program.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Mechanical Engineering Frostburg Collaborative Program is to provide excellent undergraduate education in mechanical engineering; to establish close partnership with and provide technical knowledge to industry, government and local business; to contribute to economic development within the state of Maryland, specifically in the Western Maryland region; and to provide related services to the campus community and community at large.

  • Program Educational Objectives

    A few years from graduation, the graduates of the Mechanical Engineering Frostburg Collaborative Program will:

    1. 作为有价值的员工或专业人士,在他们的职业道路上以机械工程技能为中心.
    2. 运用他们更广泛的分析技能,通过寻找创新的解决方案,以现实世界的问题和创造新的知识, ideas, and products.
    3. 通过建设性的团队合作表现出专业精神和全球思维能力, group problem solving, and effective communication with others not of an engineering background.
    4. Demonstrate ethical decision-making in their positions of responsibility and leadership.
    5. 通过提高他们的技术知识和对当代问题的理解,利用专业发展机会,从事终身学习.
  • Program Outcomes


    1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
    2. 能够运用工程设计来产生满足特定需求的解决方案,同时考虑到公共卫生, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
    3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
    4. 能够在工程环境中认识到道德和专业责任,并做出明智的判断, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
    5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
    6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
    7. 在需要时运用适当的学习策略获取和应用新知识的能力
  • Required Courses

    ENES 100: Introduction to Engineering Design
    学生们以小组为单位,利用计算机软件进行文字处理,设计和制造一种产品, spreadsheet, CAD, and communications skills. 3 credits.

    ENES 102: Statics
    Prerequisite: MATH 236.The equilibrium of stationary bodies under the influence of various kinds of forces. Forces, moments, couples, equilibrium, trusses, frames and machines, beams and friction. Vector and scalar methods are used to solve problems. 3 credits.

    ENES 220: Mechanics of Materials
    Prerequisites: ENES 102, MATH 237, PHYS 261. Stress and deformation of solids-rods, beams, shafts, columns, tanks, and other structural, machine and vehicle members. Topics include stress transformation using Mohr’s circle; shear and moment diagrams; derivation of elastic curves; and Euler’s buckling formula. 3 credits.

    ENES 221: Dynamics
    Prerequisites: PHYS 261, ENES 102, MATH237. Systems of heavy particles and rigid bodies at rest and in motion. Force-acceleration, work-energy and impulse-momentum relationships. Motion of one body relative to another in a plane and in space. 3 credits.

    ENME 232: Thermodynamics
    Prerequisites: PHYS 261 and 262. Introduction to thermodynamics. Thermodynamic properties of matter. First and second law of thermodynamics, cycles, reactions, mixtures. Variable. 3 credits.

    ENME271: Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering
    Prerequisites: PHYS 261, MATH 237. Develop the skills to generate readable, 在MATLAB和c++中编写了紧凑且可验证正确的脚本和函数,以获得各种工程模型的数值解,并以带注释的图形显示结果. Learn structured programming. 3 credits.

    ENME 272: Introduction to Computer-Aided Design
    Prerequisites: ENES 100, MATH 237. CAD基础知识,使用实体建模软件包(Pro/E, SolidWorks和Autodesk Inventor). Two-and -dimensional drawing. Dimensioning and specifications. Introduction of CAD-based analysis tools. 2 credits.

    ENME 331: Fluid Mechanics
    Prerequisites: ENES221, ENME232 or 320. Principles of fluid mechanics. Mass, momentum and energy conservation. Hydrostatics. Control volume analysis. Internal and external flow. Boundary layers. Modern measurement techniques. Computer analysis. Laboratory experiments. 3 credits.

    ENME 332: Transfer Process
    Prerequisite: ENME 331. The principles of heat transfer. Conduction in solids. Convection. Radiation. Modern measurement techniques. Computer analysis. Laboratory experiments. 3 credits.

    ENME 350: Electronics and Instrumentation
    Co-requisite PHYS263. Prerequisites: PHYS262 and MATH 237. Modern instrumentation. Basic circuit design, standard microelectronic circuits. Digital data acquisition and control. Signal conditioning. Instrumentation interfacing. Designing and testing of analog circuits. Laboratory experiments. 3 credits.

    ENME 351: Electronics and Instrumentation II
    Prerequisites: ENME350 and PHYS263. Continuation of ENME 350. Modern instrumentation. Basic circuit design, standard microelectronic circuits. Digital data acquisition and control. Signal conditioning. Instrumentation interfacing. Designing and testing analog circuits. Laboratory experiments. 3 credits.

    ENME 361: Vibration, Controls, and Optimization I
    Prerequisites: ENES 220, ENES 221, ENME 271, and MATH 432. Fundamentals of vibration, controls, and optimization. Analysis and design in time, Laplace and frequency domains. Mathematical description of system response, system stability, control and optimization. Optimal design of mechanical systems. 3 credits.

    ENME 371: Product Engineering and Manufacturing
    Prerequisites: ENES221 and ENME392. Business aspects of engineering product development. Relationship of design and manufacturing. Product specification. Statistical process control. Design team development. The development process. 3 credits.

    ENME 382: Engineering, Materials, and Manufacturing Processes
    Prerequisite: ENES 220. Basic material structures and properties. Mechanical behavior of materials. Manufacturing processes theory. Materials processing. Quality assurance. Laboratory experiments. The development process. 3 credits.

    ENME 392: Statistical Methods for Product and Process Development
    Prerequisite: MATH 238. 综合统计方法,以改善产品和过程的性能, quality, and cost. Designed experimentation. Statistical process control. Software application. Laboratory activities. The development process. 3 credits.

    ENME 400: Machine Design
    Prerequisites: ENME 361 and ENME 382. Calculate working stresses, stress concentration, and mechanical failure analysis under static and repeated loadings. Design of machine elements such as bearings, springs, gears, cams, and mechanisms. Kinematics of mechanisms. 3 credits.

    ENME 462: Vibration, Controls, and Optimization II
    Prerequisites: ENME 351 and ENME 361. Continuation of ENME 361. Fundamentals of vibration, controls, and optimization. Analysis and design in time, Laplace, and frequency domains. 系统响应、系统稳定性、控制和优化的数学描述. Optimal design of mechanical systems. 3 credits.

    ENME 472: Integrated Product and Process Development
    Prerequisite: ENME371. Integration of product development with the development process. Design strategies. Product architecture. Design for manufacturing. Selection of materials. Design for assembly. 3 credits.

  • Applying to the Program

    你可以在大二的一月份申请马里兰大学克拉克工程学院. By June 1, you will learn of your acceptance into the Clark School program.

    You must complete all of the Gateway requirements to enroll in the program. See a full list of requirements at

    有兴趣申请该项目或获得更多关于转学过程信息的学生, evaluation of credits or admission criteria, should contact A. James Clark School of Engineering Transfer Coordinator at

  • Advanced Placement (AP) Credits

    To be granted advanced placement credit for a course, you must meet UMCP’s minimum requirements . These differ from FSU’s standards. UMCP requires a higher score in a number of areas. Please consult the Engineering Coordinator to verify AP scores required to receive credit.

  • Tuition & Financial Aid
    For Tution and Aid Click here

    Frostburg State University tuition rates apply during the first half of the program.

    UMCP’s tuition rates apply for the second half of the program. 您必须通过UMCP重新申请项目后半段的经济援助和奖学金.

    Once you've applied for the second half of the program, 你将不再通过FSU获得经济援助,但将有资格申请大学公园的援助. Interested students should complete the FAFSA and enter UMCP’s school code (002103). If you have already filed a FAFSA, please update it with UMCP’s school code.

    • 您可能会继续获得私人奖学金或医学博士预付学费援助,并需要在8月份将这些文件转发给澳门十大赌城官方网站的第三方账单办公室.

    UMCP将尽一切努力在5月底之前通知您的录取决定,以便您可以在5月截止日期之前申请工程奖学金, if you desire.

    请在截止日期前提交奖学金申请,即使您没有收到UMCP的通知. 奖学金办公室可以接受你在正式录取之前提交申请. For scholarship opportunities, visit:

For more information about this collaborative program, view the UMCP website.



Career Outlook for Mechanical Engineers

Mechanical Engineers work in some of the most broad and varied fields in engineering, 从汽车研究到机器人技术,从生物医学到日常机器的设计和制造, such as elevators and internal combustion engines. 在计算设计和仿真方面有经验的机械工程师是最需要的. For more information, visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics - Mechanical Engineering.

Beyond the Classroom


  • Gain real-world experience with opportunities like service learning, internships, summer employment and lab assistant work-studies.
  • Use cutting-edge engineering technology used in the additive manufacturing 3D print lab, robotics lab, materials testing lab, computational engineering workstations, and many other great resources.
  • Work in multi-disciplinary teams to develop critical thinking and communication skills.
  • 在美国机械工程学会的学生分会认识你的同龄人,参加有趣的项目和课外活动.



Contact Admissions

  • Shannon Hayes Buenaflor, Ph.D.
    Program Director, Transfer Student Advising and Admissions
    Undergraduate Advising & Academic Support
    A. James Clark School of Engineering
  • 1131S Glenn L. Martin Hall
    4298 Campus Drive
    College Park, MD 20742
  • Transfer Admission
    Online Advising Options

Department of Engineering